
spe.estimators.cp_arbitrary(model, X, y, tr_idx, Chol_y=None, Chol_ystar=None, Cov_y_ystar=None, nboot=100, alpha=0.05, use_trace_corr=False)#

Computes Generalized Mallows’s Cp for arbitrary models.

model: object

The model to estimate MSE for.

Xarray-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
yarray-like of shape (n_samples,)
tr_idxbool array-like of shape (n_samples,)

Boolean index of which samples to train the model on.

Chol_yarray-like of shape (n_samples, n_samples), optional

Cholesky of covariance matrix of \(\Sigma_Y\). Default is None in which case Chol_y is set to np.eye(n).

Chol_ystararray-like of shape (n_samples, n_samples), optional

Cholesky of covariance matrix of \(\Sigma_{Y^*}\). Default is None in which case Chol_ystar is set to np.eye(n).

Cov_y_ystararray-like of shape (n_samples, n_samples), optional

Covariance matrix of \(\Sigma_{Y,Y^*}\). Default is None in which case it is assumed \(\Sigma_{Y,Y^*} = 0\).

n_bootint, optional

Number of bootstrap draws to average over. Default is 100.

alphafloat, optional

Amount of noise elevation to apply to data. To approximate performance on original data, a small value of \(\alpha\) is recommended as in default. Default is .05.

use_trace_corrbool, optional

If True, computes estimator with deterministic trace correction. If False, uses random correction term with same expectation, but yielding an estimator with smaller variance. Default is False.


Estimate of MSE of model on \(\alpha\) noise-elevated data.